Macrofun Vol. 1 Tundra / Captain Campion
A. deep sleep
B. in kind
Label design by CEDE & Soundadvice Sleeve design by CEDE
This first installment of Macrofun features tracks from Tundra (Morgan Packard and Brett Cleaver, aka DJ Clever) and Captain Campion (Morgan Packard and Phil Salathe). Deep Sleep features choppy, woody percussion rolling in the haze and static of warm
melodic phrases, building and building through analog bass in this finely tuned drum and bass track that reminds
us of the vitality and originality still possible in an oft criticized genre. The flip holds In Kind, with its swirling synth notes, slow breakbeat, hypnotic bass tones and counterpoint melodies; a wealth of emotion standing in its own arena of organic composition.
"...electro-acoustic, ambient, glitch, and IDM take on emotional lives outside their terse definitions." - XLR8R
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